Show New

What is new, grows old!

Show New will display an image on the page for a certain number of days from a specific date to indicate something is new and removed the image after a certain number of days, just in case we forget!

Features of Show New:

  1. Works with ASP and JavaScript
  2. Allows the entry of the number of days to display the image.
  3. Allows the start date to be in the future.
  4. Allows the selection of any image.

ASP code requires an ASP server.
JavaScript Required. ASP selection inserts ASP code in the page.
Commissioned by Randolph Vail

Show New Quick Guide

  1. Click where you want the image to display.
  2. Run the command
  3. Select the type.
  4. Enter the from date (English format), use today's date for displaying it immediately.
  5. Enter the number of days to show a new image.
  6. Select the image.
  7. Click OK.

"Let's have some new cliches."
Samuel Goldwyn

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